Hmm... Woke up thinking this was going too be another Crap day. But then mum said we were going too the park (oh no) with brendan (OH�NO) and.. Luckly Emily came *pats* and saved the day. Eh mona vale was OKAY. I fell off the flying fox and made the dudes with the Rackets that were hitting everyone fall down .. GO�ME . Lol and then :( i had all this shit on my back. EMILY wouldnapos;t stop telling me. Rofl. Then this dude at the Flying fox Cafe- OMG�HE�WAS�FUCKING�HOT. He came too close... Hmm... Then we took oscar too the dog park and well He attacted every dog he saw. (made me upset) cause i was scared heapos;d get like eaten by them. We saw the cutest dog there. It was ....�AWWWW. .. Hm... Then well we patted HORSES�(my idea) and bought mega (brendanapos;s word)� awesome slushies. .. Hm... Then we dropped Emily off at her house/space ship.. And then well FUCK we went too the DVD�store and 4 off my fav songs came on the radio
1. Womanizer
2. Hot n Cold
3. Running back
4. Im yours.
Then there was a fucking Storm - Blargg it was sccary but it didnt go for very long.
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