Well I almost blackedout at work yesterday. It was different from my othertimes. I know it was not anything to do with my heart. I bent down to plug in my cell phone in the charger and all of a sudden I saw silver specks everywhere that looked like shooting stars. It lasted for at least half a min. I know it was not good...but in a wierd way it was pretty.
Afterwards I did feel like I do when I normally blackout...dranined...unable to focus and zombie like.
I went to my heart doctor today because I already had an appointment for a regular check up and I told him what happened. He wants me to go to an endocronologist. He thinks there is something off with my hormones. I then told him about my hormon issues with estrogen and he said he definatly wasnts me to get checked out. I never really thought about having other hormones other than the gender realted ones. What if all this time I have been taking the pill to regulate my girly hormones I was only treating part of my problem? This is the longest I have been off the pill in 12 years and all of these things keep happening.
I am going to boston tomorrow to visit my Dad. He got shingles in his face a few weeks ago and has been in pain. I am going up to suprise him. He did end up going to his Navy reunion anyway and is now on Youtube :) My dad is famous. They interviewed him for a local video news thing and they also show him ringing the ceromony bell. He looked great in his uniform. God bless him for still being able to fit it after 40 years
While online tonight I happened to see that Camp Wing is having a benefit on Saturday. I might actually be able to go I have not been able to go to any camp events before because I live in NJ and they have events on Sunday...when I am having to go home. I am soooooooooo excited.
Keep Smilin
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