пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.


Fuck you. I have never liked YOU (because of pre-existing lines and previous encounters with your char and another of mine). So when I realized my char was making assumptions on how big of an ASS�and bitch your char is without my char even KNOWING your char (going on how I felt and now how my char actually felt because my char didnapos;t know your char), I felt really shitty. So upon my char getting the balls and "texting" you and apologizing, you act like an elite bitch making my char feel extremely dumb in even trying to patch things over.

Thatapos;s all I gotta say, really, fuck you.

Er. So basically, I suppose. A possible fuck me for prejudging characters on their actual players? Idk, whatever. In this case, my char was right.

ps. Sorry if this doesnapos;t make sense~ i tried D:

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