воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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Hmm... Woke up thinking this was going too be another Crap day. But then mum said we were going too the park (oh no) with brendan (OH�NO) and.. Luckly Emily came *pats* and saved the day. Eh mona vale was OKAY. I fell off the flying fox and made the dudes with the Rackets that were hitting everyone fall down .. GO�ME . Lol and then :( i had all this shit on my back. EMILY wouldnapos;t stop telling me. Rofl. Then this dude at the Flying fox Cafe- OMG�HE�WAS�FUCKING�HOT. He came too close... Hmm... Then we took oscar too the dog park and well He attacted every dog he saw. (made me upset) cause i was scared heapos;d get like eaten by them. We saw the cutest dog there. It was ....�AWWWW. .. Hm... Then well we patted HORSES�(my idea) and bought mega (brendanapos;s word)� awesome slushies. .. Hm... Then we dropped Emily off at her house/space ship.. And then well FUCK we went too the DVD�store and 4 off my fav songs came on the radio

1. Womanizer
2. Hot n Cold
3. Running back
4. Im yours.

Then there was a fucking Storm - Blargg it was sccary but it didnt go for very long.

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So today was a baby shower for my friend. My mom went to it, but I didnapos;t go. I was, but yeah, it was going to be weird. Then there might be another baby shower for my brother girlfriend. I canapos;t wait to be an uncle :)

So I was at my bffapos;s house instead at the babyshower we went to the Blessed Sacrement Church Carnival. It was so boring, I thought it was going to be better, but it was better when I was like 9. I was so freaking bored. Then I we went to his cousins house we downloaded the Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Demo. Pretty fun day I guess :)

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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Terug via Agios Isidorus.

Daar zien we dat de wijnplanten veel minder op staken worden gebonden

En groeien (zoals het klassieke beeld),

Maar haast als een grote kruipplant.

Dan bijna terug via Embona maar net daarvoor via Salakos terug naar de kust.

Daar nog even verder naar Kamiros.

Een hele oude Griekse stad.

Veel mooier dan Lindos.

Oogt veel authentieker.

De oudste sporen van bewoning van het gebied Kamiris gaan terug naar

De Myceense tijd (1700-1100 voor Christus).

Opgegraven begraafplaatsen in Kalavarda en Kamiros tonen dat aan.

Bij de begraafplaats van Makry Langoni werd de stele van Krito en Timarista

Gevonden. Dat is de stel op de eerste afbeelding van deze log.

Na een allesvernietigende aardbeving in 226 voor Christus is Kamiros herbouwd.

De opgravingen die we nu dus kunnen zien zijn uit die tijd afkomstig.

De opbouw van de stad is typisch voor een Hellenistische stad:

Verdeeld in een deel met publieke en een deel private gebouwen.

Het ligt prachtig tegen de glooiing van de heuvel en heeft

Een rechthoekig stratenplan.

De drie delen van Kamiros zijn:

= het lage deel met de religieuze functie;

= het middenstuk met de prive woningen;

- het hoogste deel met de acropolis.

Aan de rand van het 'Fonteinplein' staan de restanten van een Dorische tempel.

Waarschijnlijk gewijd aan Apollo.

Tegenover het 'Fonteinplein' was het Hellinistische heiligdom gewijd

Aan de goden en helden van Kamiros.

Tussen de huizen vallen twee gebouwen op met hun binnenpleinen.

Ook is er een waarschijnlijk publiek badhuis te zien.

Op de acropolis zijn delen van de ommuring teruggevonden

Alsook de fundering van een tempel.

Er is een indrukwekkende cisterne (wateropslag).

Er was een grote Stoa (overkapping tegen zon of regen) van wel 200 meter lang.

In een deel ervan waren winkels.

De stoa vormde de indrukwekkende achtergrond van de stad

En geeft een panramisch uitzicht over de stad, de omliggende akkers

En de zee.

Plattegrond van Kamiros.

Toegangskaartje voor Kamiros

Ik heb nogal wat foto's gemaakt in Kamiros.

Die zet ik samen in een web log.

Even apart van dit verhaal.

Deze introductie.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.


Fuck you. I have never liked YOU (because of pre-existing lines and previous encounters with your char and another of mine). So when I realized my char was making assumptions on how big of an ASS�and bitch your char is without my char even KNOWING your char (going on how I felt and now how my char actually felt because my char didnapos;t know your char), I felt really shitty. So upon my char getting the balls and "texting" you and apologizing, you act like an elite bitch making my char feel extremely dumb in even trying to patch things over.

Thatapos;s all I gotta say, really, fuck you.

Er. So basically, I suppose. A possible fuck me for prejudging characters on their actual players? Idk, whatever. In this case, my char was right.

ps. Sorry if this doesnapos;t make sense~ i tried D:

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This post is dedicated to 2 person.
mr prince and da ge
ytd i swear i was really depressed about grad.like really really
and i so damn wanted someone to reassure me that it will be fine
and yes mr prince did so. When i went to bed, i felt so guilty.
altho i also did helped him many many times, and itapos;s like okay for him to help me once.
but i feel guilty becos deep down the someone i hope for was never him.
piggy binny babyboy idiot even ape. And even red chili that i only talked to for a few times.
but now i know. Im fully reliant on you on that day. I know u wont disappoint me(: but i hope i wont disappoint you as well

next is dage.
that day someone told me u might be expelled.
i really care about that alot. But what can i say? what can i do?
sometimes i really wanna let you know that no matter how difficult life is, it will still go on
so please live happily and know that i will support you.(but thereapos;s nothing i can do now except pray and hope that you know there is people supporting you)
i hope you can take that step back and go back to be like the past.
i know itapos;s difficult and is almost impossible.but if some other people in the world can do it. I believe u can too.
dont let one setback hold you back forever please.(:
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Well I almost blackedout at work yesterday. It was different from my othertimes. I know it was not anything to do with my heart. I bent down to plug in my cell phone in the charger and all of a sudden I saw silver specks everywhere that looked like shooting stars. It lasted for at least half a min. I know it was not good...but in a wierd way it was pretty.

Afterwards I did feel like I do when I normally blackout...dranined...unable to focus and zombie like.

I went to my heart doctor today because I already had an appointment for a regular check up and I told him what happened. He wants me to go to an endocronologist. He thinks there is something off with my hormones. I then told him about my hormon issues with estrogen and he said he definatly wasnts me to get checked out. I never really thought about having other hormones other than the gender realted ones. What if all this time I have been taking the pill to regulate my girly hormones I was only treating part of my problem? This is the longest I have been off the pill in 12 years and all of these things keep happening.

I am going to boston tomorrow to visit my Dad. He got shingles in his face a few weeks ago and has been in pain. I am going up to suprise him. He did end up going to his Navy reunion anyway and is now on Youtube :) My dad is famous. They interviewed him for a local video news thing and they also show him ringing the ceromony bell. He looked great in his uniform. God bless him for still being able to fit it after 40 years

While online tonight I happened to see that Camp Wing is having a benefit on Saturday. I might actually be able to go I have not been able to go to any camp events before because I live in NJ and they have events on Sunday...when I am having to go home. I am soooooooooo excited.

Keep Smilin

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